Change The Way You Look At Things

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.

The other day, I was asked, “How do you change the negative events in life?”

I thought, “That’s a great question!”

The more I thought about the question, the more I began to realize the following:

👉 The past is the past. Nothing can be done to change the events that already took place.

👉 All events are neutral. The difference between a “positive” and a “negative” event is the meaning I choose to assign to each one.

👉 All events can have multiple interpretations.

These three things helped me realize that much of the answer to the initial question depended on how I chose to interpret the events.

How do I want to see the negative events in my life moving forward?

What do I choose to focus on? The pain? The suffering? The lessons learned? The skills gained?

Change the meaning of the life event by changing your interpretation of it.