Be the Sun, Not the Salt

“Be the sun, not the salt.”

A few days ago, I came across a book by an author I had once virtually crossed paths with.

I was intrigued by the title, the metaphor of the opening page.

A part of me couldn’t wait to see what was inside.

I picked up the book and made my way through the opening chapter.

Half way through, I couldn’t help but think about the author’s message.

Are you the sun or the salt?

I immediately thought of the times throughout my life when I was the sun or the salt or a bit of both.

The times when I provided nourishment, encouraged growth.

The times when I put others down, made them feel less than.

Harry Cohen’s book reminded of an important life principal, the power of choice.

A choice I often times forgotten.

I get to choose whether I am the sun or the salt in any given situation.

Simple, yet powerful 🙏