Breaks, Breakthroughs, and Breakdowns

Where do you come from?
A question that some of us are fortunate to have an answer to, others not so much.
A question that sparks a story deep inside our hearts; a story that gives others hope to not give up when times get tough.
He said, “My mother… at 18/19 years old… had a six-month-old baby boy, $100, a plane ticket, a friend’s name in Chicago and she decided to start our life…”
Not the most ideal beginning, but sometimes the only thing we have is starting where we are, using what we have, and doing what we can.
For John Robinson, it was no different.
He continued by saying, “I believe people should overcome less.”
A motto that has become the guiding force behind his current work: to connect those who seek with those who raise their hand to give.


  • On Family: A collective energy of those that care about each other

  • On Purpose: Focus on present-purpose

  • On Overcoming Odds: Trust yourself

  • On Growth: Ask yourself, “How do I?”

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