How Can You Be Bold Enough To Act In Any Situation?

What does it mean to be bold?

Does boldness exist in the presence of fear?

For years, millions of people have tried to answer such questions.

Some have found answers.

Others are still in search of them.

Can such term be defined in a way that fits everybody? Or does being bold vary from one person to the next?

Tune in, as Fred and Oleg explore what being bold means to them, why being bold is important in their lives, ways to be bold when circumstances may not be favorable, key factors that prevent people from being bold and other related topics.

Is hope the same as expectations?

When you wake up in the morning, you probably have various expectations of how your day is going to go.

You expect that the bagel truck will be outside your apartment ready to serve you your breakfast. You expect the train to take you from your block to the entrance of your work.

You expect that there will be challenges that you will need to face with coworkers and clients, but you also expect that you will be able to handle them.

You expect to come home, have dinner, and eventually go to bed.

These are your expectations.

Life, however, has a way of throwing curve balls when you least expect it.

For all you know, the bagel truck got stuck in traffic and now you don’t pick up breakfast.

The train runs late and now you are late for work.

There is a flood in the office which delays your ability to finish your tasks in a timely matter.

It is too late by the time you get home that you skip dinner and go to bed.

Your expectations were not me and so the change in your daily routine feels like a rock in your shoe that you cannot shake: uncomfortable and irritating, but not life changing or threatening.

What if you went throughout your day hoping that things would go the way you would like?

Would the change in perspective help you manage disappointments if expectations are not met?

Would it make any difference at all?

Is hope the same as expectations?

Join Oleg and Dorothy as they hope to distinguish between expectations and feel free to add your hopes to the comments below.

Is Hope Just Positive Thinking? Or A Real Shift In Perspective?

When you look at a cup of a water with liquid that fills up to the halfway mark, what do you see? Is the glass half full of water? Is the glass half empty?

This analogy has been used to describe both positive and negative thinkers. A positive person tends to look at what is in front of them and is happy for it. A negative person notices what is missing and become bitter because of it. 

However, where does the idea of hope fit into this? Can only positive people experience hope? Does a negative person feel hopeless?

Hope can create a feeling of peace in times of uncertainty. The positive person may be able to access this framework more easily. For the negative person, it is not unfair of them to feel upset in times of turmoil, but they can still access hope for better days. Does the negative person then to shift their way of looking at the glass?

Is hope just positive thinking or a real shift in perspective?

Please join Oleg and Steve as they ponder the perspective of hope and feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below. 

Why Do We Feel The Need To Create New Things?

Why do you feel the need to create?

Why does getting something new make us feel so good?

Why is what we have not enough?

Tune in, as Oleg and BJ Miller, explore the need for creation, ways to appreciate life, and other related topics.

What Have You Learned From Your Story?

“You live and you learn.”

But, what does that truly mean? Is learning the same as living? Is living the same as learning? What is the connection between the two?

Do all of us have the capacity to learn from life circumstances? Or is learning a skill that’s available only to a few of us?

How do you know if you have learned something?

Does everything in life have a lesson behind it?

Join us August 27th, 11:45 AM EST, as we, Scott Mason, Casey Berman, Dorothy Oger and Oleg Lougheed, explore ways to learn from life circumstances, the importance of beginners mindset, and other related topics.

Share what you have learned from your story so far!

👉 If these conversations have made a difference in your life, consider supporting our mission by making a contribution at the link below👇so we can continue changing the world, one heart and one mind at a time.

Your donation will continue to help others demonstrate their strengths and uniqueness to the world.

How Can You Live An Untethered Life?

What is an tethered life?

How do you live life without limits?

Tune in, as Van and Oleg, explore ways to live an untethered life, ways to challenge one's own limiting beliefs and other related topics.

What Have Been The Major Transitions In Your Life?

What have been the major transitions in your life?

What differentiates a major transition from a minor one?

Tune in, as Trevor and Oleg, explore ways to learn from life's transitions, developing a growth mindset, reasons to create opportunities for others and other related topics.

Did You Choose The Life You're Living Or Was It Chosen For You?

Choose the type of life you want to live or someone else will choose it for you.

You might have heard a statement like this many times … you might have even come across people who are either living one or the other.

But, have you ever taken the time to answer such question yourself?

Did you choose the life you are living or was it chosen for you?

How do you know if you’re living life on your own terms or in the image of what others think you should be?

Do believe you have the power to choose the type of life you want to live today?

What makes living life on one’s own terms possible for some and not others?

What choices are you making today to create your own story?

Join us August 20th, 10:45 AM CST, as we, Scott Mason and Oleg Lougheed, explore ways to live life to the fullest, how choices affect the future, and other related topics.

👉 If these conversations have made a difference in your life, consider supporting our mission by making a contribution at the link below👇so we can continue changing the world, one heart and one mind at a time.

Your donation will continue to help others demonstrate their strengths and uniqueness to the world.

Do You Believe Your Story Can Change The World?

Do you believe your story can change the world?

What makes you believe that such story is possible?

Do you believe that you can be the person to create and live such story? If so, why? If not, why not?

For years, many people have tried to crack the code of effective #storytelling.

The type of storytelling that can change one’s inner and outer world.

Some claim to have found it.

Others are still searching for it.

What makes up such deep belief? Or is it simply a speculation? Or is it something more? Something one can grasp with the palm of their hand?

Join us on August 6th, 10:45 AM CST, as we explore techniques for effective storytelling, how stories can inspire action, how stories can generate the next big idea, and other related topics.

Help us create a story that will at least change our world, the hosts and the audience.

👉 If these conversations have made a difference in your life, consider supporting our mission by making a contribution at the link below👇so we can continue changing the world, one heart and one mind at a time.

Your donation will continue to help others demonstrate their strengths and uniqueness to the world.

What Is Living Your Best Life?

How do you start living your best life?

How do you know if you live your best life?

How can you be happy?

Tune in, as Oleg and Russ Hedge, dive deep into what it means to live your best life, ways to uncover purpose and meaning in life, and other related topics.